Sunday, September 18, 2011

Field Trip Details

Please send in your permission slip before the day of the trip so I can determine carpool assignments.
All field trip fees for your child are covered by their activity fund.
All parents, grandparent's guardians are welcome to accompany us or drive on our trips.
Please stop by the main office for a background check if you are planning on driving any child other than your own. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Siblings are welcome to attend our field trips unless I specify otherwise. (ie. limited number of tickets available)
If you indicate on your permission slip that you are planning to drive know that I will be planning on you to drive unless you let me know otherwise.
Drivers need to arrive about 15 minutes before we are scheduled to leave. This first trip we need to leave at 9:00 so you may just come when you drop off your child at 8:30 AM
If you are not driving or chaperoning you will need to send your child's car seat to school clearly labeled to avoid any confusion as to ownership
Directions to the field trip will be available on the day of the trip.

HealthWorks Kids Museum Permission Slip

My child________________has my permission to attend the field trip to the HealthWorks Kids Museum

Parent Signature___________________________________________________

Date of field trip: Monday October 3, 2011
Time of departure: 9:00 AM
Time of Return: 11:30 AM

I can drive Yes No

I am able to transport _____children in my vehicle.
I will be bringing ___siblings.

My cell phone number is __________
My Licence Plate # is____________

FYI In Preschool

VIP Day, Friday October 7ty is our day to invite those adults who are special in the lives of your children to come to school. In the elementary school VIP Day begins at noon with a lunch and time spent in the classroom. In preschool the VIP's can can visit our classroom at 10:45 just in time to share a little snack and then spend time outside at recess.

Upcoming Field trip:

Healthworks Kids Museum
When: Monday October 3rd
Time of departure: 9:00
Return time: 11:30
Where: Downtown South Bend off of Jefferson in the Health and Lifestyle building
Cost of trip for students is covered by our activity fund
Cost for siblings and parents $6.00 per person (which can be paid at the museum on the day of the trip.)

Please print out and return the field trip permission slip by Wednesday September 28th. I need permission slips by this date so I have an idea before the day of the trip who is driving.