Do the kids dress up on Monday for Halloween? The answer is no. We are a Christian School so we celebrate Fall and Harvest.
Tomorrow we will be weighing a pumpkin, measuring a pumpkin and guessing how many seed might be in the pumpkin. We will also be opening up the pumpkin, and scooping out the seeds.
We will also be finishing up our apple tree paintings, printing with apples, and counting apples.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Preschool FYI
Yesterday using an old fashion crank style peeler we stripped the skin from the apples picked from Spring Hope Farm. Then we cooked them in an electric skillet with sugar, and made applesauce for our snack. Everyone loved it.
We also finished cutting out our gigantic painted pumpkins. Stop by our classroom and see them hanging on our wall along with our self portraits.
Juriette and Joseph officially joined our class this month so our numbers have increased. Our class total is 12.... 5 girls and 7 boys.
On Friday Katie, (another 4 year old), will be visiting. I will keep you posted if she will be joining us on a more permanent basis.
Preschool Evaluations will be sent home next week.
No School Friday November 4th.
We also finished cutting out our gigantic painted pumpkins. Stop by our classroom and see them hanging on our wall along with our self portraits.
Juriette and Joseph officially joined our class this month so our numbers have increased. Our class total is 12.... 5 girls and 7 boys.
On Friday Katie, (another 4 year old), will be visiting. I will keep you posted if she will be joining us on a more permanent basis.
Preschool Evaluations will be sent home next week.
No School Friday November 4th.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Dear Families,
It is that time of year, as many of you who have older children in school know, that parent/ teacher conferences are being scheduled.
In preschool conferences are not mandatory. I only schedule a conference if the concerns I have about your child can not be taken care of either immediately after school when you come to pick up your child, or by a telephone call.
So, if I do not contact you for a conference you can assume that your child is doing well.
Please know that if you would still like a conference, I will be happy to meet with you...just let me know and we can set something up.
Finally, while you may not be having a conference in November I do send home a progress report. So look for this to come home in your child's backpack.
Sue Veurink-Meyer
In preschool conferences are not mandatory. I only schedule a conference if the concerns I have about your child can not be taken care of either immediately after school when you come to pick up your child, or by a telephone call.
So, if I do not contact you for a conference you can assume that your child is doing well.
Please know that if you would still like a conference, I will be happy to meet with you...just let me know and we can set something up.
Finally, while you may not be having a conference in November I do send home a progress report. So look for this to come home in your child's backpack.
Sue Veurink-Meyer
Personal Hygiene: Practice Washing Our Hands
At circle time we talked about how we can pass germs to each other. First we practiced coughing and pretend sneezing into the crook of our elbow. Then we addressed the importance of washing our hands. Later during center time we discovered that water alone and washing with soap for just a couple of seconds was not enough to get cinnamon off our hands. The job got done only when we rubbed soap on top of our hands, on our palms, and in between our fingers for a a couple of minutes. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Field Trip To Spring Hope Farm Rescheduled
Looks like our trip to the apple orchard is officially changed to Monday October 24th. I had thought Friday would work, but after talking to the owners this day works best. All the details remain the same. If you are planning on driving let me know since we are going on a different day than originally planned. Don't forget to bundle up for it will be chilly.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Circle Time Handwriting Without Tears...Making Mat Man
We listened to the story Mat Man this morning, which kicked off our handwriting curriculum. The flat wooden shapes that we used to create interesting shapes earlier in the day are used to create upper and lowercase letters. The mat that serves as Mat Man's body is the mat that we use to make our letters on. This curriculum is based on research that indicates that multi sensory hands-on instruction works best in early childhood. Today our activity challenged the children think about placing certain shapes in specific positions. Sometimes it took a couple tries to get Mat Man just right. 

Large Motor Skill Development....AKA PE In Preschool
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