Sunday, September 11, 2011
Class Party Planner Needed (Room Mother, Father, Grandparent etc..)
Snack Expectations
Our initial snack calendar extends past Christmas into January. In most cases each child/family will be responsible for bringing in a snack for either two or three consecutive days, (depending on whether your child comes two or three days). If for any reason you would like to switch with someone on the schedule you may do so... just let me know who you have switched with so I know snack is covered for that week. Snack time is a great time for fine motor skill practice. My plan is for the kids to prepare, and serve their own snacks each day. (this includes setting the table.)
Drinks: We only serve water at snack time as each child fills their own cup, with no harm done if a spill happens. (Additionally new friends help each other by holding the cups for each other.)
Oral language development is a very big deal in preschool........... so every opportunity I have to encourage your child to speak purposely, and in complete sentences I am going to take advantage of. So whoever brings in the snack also explains what the snack is and how to prepare it.
Birthday Snacks: If you would like to send in a birthday snack and it is not your week for snack contact the family who is bringing in the snack and let them know that you will be sending in something special so we do not have double the snacks on that day.
Birthday party invitations: We are happy to send them home only if everyone is invited.
Snack Schedule
September 12th, 14th, 16th. Mrs. Meyer
September 19th, 21st, 23rd Nolan
September 26th, September 28th : Connor
September 30th, Alex
October 3rd Field Trip to HealthWorks Museum No Snack
October 5th : Emerson
October 7th: Alex
October 10th: Emerson
October 12th. Ella
October 14th : Alex
October 17th: Ella
October 19th: Jackson
October 24th, 26th, 28th: Avenn
October 31st, November 2nd, November 4th: Zach
November 7th, 9th, 11th: Kylee
November 14th, 16th, 18th : Nicole
November 21st: Jackson
November 23 will be our Thanksgiving Feast and we will need additional donations.
November 24th & 25th no school...Thanksgiving Break
November 28th : Jackson
November 30th : Emerson
December 2nd, Alex
December 5th: Emerson
December 7th: Connor
December 9th: Alex
December 12th: Connor
December 14th, 16th, 19th: Nicole
December 21st This is our Christmas Party so additional donations are welcome.)
December 23rd is our service day so we will be going on a field trip which everyone may attend even if you don't usually come to school on Friday.
December 26th through January 6th Christmas Break Classes resume January 9th.
Going Green:
Plastic plates, cups and utensils used on the day that it is your scheduled snack will be sent home to be washed. Please have your child wash the dishes...another good motor skill, and return the the dishes when they return to school.
Early Days
Our Current Class List (subject to change)
I am missing a quite few forms which provide me with lots of important information about your child. (Including birthdays) So please send in your media releases, emergency forms, background checks, and parent questionnaires ASAP.
I mentioned the Eagle Newsletter which goes home every Wednesday, but I neglected to fill you in about the large tan envelope that houses this letter. This envelope needs to be returned to school each week by Monday so we can reuse it on Wednesday. You may also use the envelope for any correspondence that needs to get back to either myself or the office.
Finally, there is always so much information at the beginning of the school year, but be patient as we slog through all this preliminary stuff, for we will be in the preschool groove soon.
Remember all you newbies to formal school........ there is no stress in preschool!
Preschool FYI
If you ever have any questions or concerns to please contact me. I am available before school (8:00AM). Otherwise you can reach me at the following email addresses..., or
It is proven in early childhood that children learn best through play experiences which are multi-sensory and hands-on. Throughout the year I will be talking about why we do many of the things we do, but for now you may anticipate that many of the activities will be messy, and there is a strong possibility that your child will come home with paint, glue, food coloring, mud, etc.. on their clothing. So dress your child accordingly, and remember that nice clothes may actually inhibit your child from exploring if he/she feels like they are too dressy to get dirty.
- Bring a school bag (tote or backpack) for projects and notes
- A change of clothing (labeled with your child’s first and last name
- Leave all toys, candy, and gum at home. There will be special designated “sharing times” during the year. Watch the newsletter for these special dates.
We will spend a portion of each day outdoors weather permitting. This is important for the development of your child’s large motor skills. Please send appropriate outdoor clothing for your child to wear. The first month of school, while the weather is nice we will begin our day outside. Mrs. Brown and I will be outside to meet your child at 8:30. Every other Wednesday we will have gym class with the Spanish Immersion Class at 8:45 sometimes outside and sometimes in the gym.
We try to be as Eco-friendly as possible so follow the blog to keep updated on what we are doing in our classroom. (Permission slips for field trips will be posted on line and can be printed out.) The all school FYI is the exception and will be sent home on Wednesdays.
My door is open at 8:30 A.M. and our pick-up time is 11:30 A.M....pull up at the front door, remain in your car, and Mrs. Brown or myself will walk your child out to you. Please try to pick your child up promptly... especially on Mondays and Wednesdays as I begin teaching K-8th grade art at 12:00. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation!
Wrap around care is available if your child needs to come in earlier or stay later.
Snack time is a great opportunity to reinforce sharing, so in an effort to involve your child in this activity, each family is asked to provide a nutritious snack to share with their classmates for two or three consecutive days of school depending on your child's program. We provide water to drink and to spill. The plan is to involve the kids in serving, and pouring, along with manually preparing, their snack, Your job is to send in the “fixings” for a snack. Anything that involves cutting or peeling or spreading.. think process and you will be fine. Allergies include any melon and poultry.
(While the weather is good we will begin our day at the playground at 8:30)
Question of the Day
Drop Everything and Read Time (Look at a book quietly with your family, a friend or your teacher)
Morning Circle Time ( Group activity time which includes such things as calendar, prayer, finger plays, songs, story time)
Free Choice Center and Play time: A time for diversified instruction, small group lessons, free exploration of a variety of learning activities and play opportunities.
Bible Story Time: Old and New Testament Stories
Bathroom Break
Snack preparation & consumption
Snack Clean-up
Outside Play
(This will be our routine for most days unless we have a special visitor or field trip is planned.)
Wednesday September 14th Picture Day. We will not do anything messy on picture day. I will also lobby for our class to have their pictures taken first thing in the morning.
THINGS TO SAVE FOR OUR CLASSROOM: Clean pizza boxes, large appliance box. The “Adopt a Gift Board" is located next to our classroom... in particular we are looking for the following multi-cultural items... puppets, dress up clothing, picture books, and kitchen utensils. Additionally if anyone sews well enough to follow a basic doll pattern I would love to enlist your help in making a few persona dolls. Thank you in advance for your generosity.